February 15 Horoscope

As an Aquarius born on February 15th, your impulsiveness may be as well known as your charm. In all aspects of life, you take to your interests with passion and spontaneity. This quality has led you to have a wide range of hobbies, relationships and experiences. While your impulsiveness is interesting to those around you, it is your charm that really wins them over. You have always noticed your ability to gain admirers and friends, which is no surprise when your mystery, warmth and sociability are considered.

Your sign's paired element is air and you have the only fixed connection with the element of all the zodiac signs. In many ways you take on the same stubborn and determined qualities of a strong wind, which is a direct result of your special relationship with air. Similarly, it is also air's power that is responsible for the curiosity that flows through your being. Whenever you encounter a new topic or situation, a breeze of curiosity takes you on a journey toward understanding. While air's positive qualities are a great asset, be weary of air's negative qualities. When influenced by the stagnant qualities of air, you may find yourself in aloof and unemotional moods.

The Aquarius is under the planetary rulership of Uranus, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the special power of Venus. While it is the power of Uranus that can be linked to your pursuit of freedom and individuality, it is the influence of Venus that drives your social and harmonious nature. More so than any of the Aquarius Decans, your unique planetary influence makes you sensitive and emotionally in-tune. On the positive side, this quality allows you to love your close friend and family in an unconditional and affectionate matter. In love, your passion pairs with your impulsiveness to make you quite restless in relationships. You may have encountered numerous situations where you seem to fall in and out of love in an instant. Your restlessness will be a challenge in all aspects of life, but your warm and social personality will help to offset any negativity.

With your gifts of originality and sociability, there are a variety of career paths for you to explore, although settling on one may be a difficult challenge. When paired with your intellectual curiosity, your determination may take you into the fields of higher education, science or research, much like Galileo Galilei, who was also born on February 13th. On the other hand, your need for excitement and travel may take you to a more internationally focused career, such as business or marketing. You may find that your unique brand of charm is perfect for entertaining others. If this is the case, look to the accomplishments of Chris Farley, another of your celebrity birthday twins, for inspiration.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets. This symbol serves as reminder that, much like the pedals of a violet, feelings are delicate. Do not undervalue the traditional representations of man's authentic emotions.

Here are a few Aquarius celebrities born on February 15 and their past or present romantic connections:

John Barrymore (Aquarius) and Dolores Castello (Virgo)
Cesar Romero (Aquarius) and Carole Landis (Capricorn)

February 15 is associated with Birthday Number 8
February 15 is associated with Tarot Card 6 of Swords