January 7 Horoscope

Being a Capricorn born on January 7th, your personality is defined by your adaptive, charming and hardworking nature. While there are many people that struggle with new situations, environments or people, you are not amongst them. You take to new experiences with excitement and when people over with your sociability and warmth. Although you may not realize it, your charm is quite irresistible and explains for your numerous friends. Those closest to you would be sure to mention your work ethic as one of your most admirable qualities; you will work tirelessly to accomplish a task that you feel to be worthwhile.

Earth is the paired element of the Capricorn and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with the element. Your unique relationship with Earth makes you more of a self-starter than other earth zodiac signs. Your active Earthly qualities are paired well with the pragmatic and realistic outlook that all Earth signs share. As you stay grounded, you will be able to work towards practical goals. Be wary of Earth's negative qualities however, as an overly-cautious mindset may cause you to miss exciting opportunities.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Saturn, but as you were bon in the second, Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive the mysterious planetary influence of Venus. While Saturn's influence can be witnessed in your determined, disciplined and organized nature, the influence of Venus is reflected in your appreciation of beauty and sociability. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you far more social and creative than the other Capricorn Decans. You have the fortitude and creativity to meet any challenge and solve any problem. In love, you take the same determination and pair it with attention and affection. If your planetary influences had one downfall, it would be pessimism. Take care to avoid depressed moods by trying to find the positives in all situations and relationships.

Since it is very difficult to choose a career, you are lucky to have several natural abilities that can lead to success in any field. Your determination and creativity would be well-served in demanding fields like advertising, sales and promotions. On the other hand, your preference to be social and warm can lead you to careers in education or mediation. The entertainment world may prove too alluring to ignore, especially film and television. If this is the case, let the fruitful careers of Nicolas Cage and David Caruso, who both share your January 7th birthday, inspire you.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a woman engaging in secret nude bathing. Society's rigid structure can make one feel bonded at time. If you are feeling constrained, find a healthy way to release your inhibitions and experience new-found freedom.

Here are a few Capricorn celebrities born on January 7 and their past or present romantic connections:

Nicolas Cage (Capricorn) and Patricia Arquette (Aries)
Lewis Hamilton (Capricorn) and Nicole Scherzinger (Cancer)

January 7 is associated with Birthday Number 8
January 7 is associated with Tarot Card 3 of Pentacles